We help you prepare your startup to strategically face a round with private investors
Modelo de Negocios
Análisis y validación del modelo de negocios en CANVAS B y análisis de la competencia
Deck & One Page
Construcción del esqueleto del pitch deck y one pager; con entrenamiento del Pitch
Flujos de Caja
Construcción de los flujos de caja a 3-5 años
Due Diligence
Apoyo en la construcción del Data Room en Notion.so
Valorización de la empresa en base a 5 métodos
Ronda de Capital
Metodología de levantamiento de capital: Apoyo en armado de carpeta de inversiones con en Notion.so: CRM de inversionistas y updates
The process consists of:
Analysis and validation of the business model
Valuation (this includes valuing the business model and business plan)
Pitch Deck Construction for Investor
Support in the construction of financial and legal Due Diligence
Strategic direction
Note: within the scope of the service, it is to carry out a round with investors of the Venture Capital network.
Value of the service: $ 2,500,000 CLP (US $ 3,500)
Service duration: 2 to 3 weeks approximately, it is important to note that the terms are relative depending on the information provided by the company and our service is measured by progress of objectives.